Slovník priezvisk vyšehradských krajín


Popis dostupný v jazykoch:
Pôvodmaďarský pôvod
TypPriezvisko označujúce povolanie, činnosť alebo spoločenské postavenie
Priezvisko označujúce vnútornú alebo vonkajšiu charakteristiku, okolnosť alebo udalosť
Priezvisko označujúce vzťah k otcovi alebo inému predkovi


The name is derived from the Hungarian common noun bán meaning ‘a high dignitary with special, wide territorial powers over medieval Croatia and the southern border areas of the Kingdom of Hungary’ and refers to some kind of connection (e.g. service) with the person bearing the dignity. It may also refer to a characteristic feature (e.g. dressing or behaviour similar to that of a bán). Alternatively, it may also be derived from the medieval Hungarian given name Bán (derived from the above-mentioned common noun) and refer to the connection with the father or another ancestor by that name. Variant: Baán.