Slovník priezvisk vyšehradských krajín


Popis dostupný v jazykoch:
Pôvodpoľský pôvod
TypPriezvisko označujúce vnútornú alebo vonkajšiu charakteristiku, okolnosť alebo udalosť
Priezvisko označujúce vzťah k otcovi alebo inému predkovi
Priezvisko označujúce miesto bydliska, pôvod alebo majetok


The name is derived from the Polish common noun maj meaning ‘May' and refers to a characteristic feature (e.g. the month in which baptism took place). It may also be derived from the given name Maj (derived from the above-mentioned common noun) with the suffix -ewski and refer to the connection with the father or another ancestor by that name. Alternatively, it may also be derived from the Polish place name (settlement name) Majewo with the suffix -ski and refer to a place of residence, origin or estate. Variant: Majowski.