Slovník priezvisk vyšehradských krajín


Popis dostupný v jazykoch:
Pôvodmaďarský pôvod
TypPriezvisko označujúce miesto bydliska, pôvod alebo majetok
Priezvisko označujúce vzťah k otcovi alebo inému predkovi


The name is derived from the Hungarian common noun berek meaning ‘grove’ or from a Hungarian place name (settlement name, derived from the above-mentioned common noun) Berek with the suffix -i. In both cases, it refers to a place of residence, origin or estate. It may also be derived from the Hungarian given name Berk ‘Berk’ with the patronymic suffix -i and refer to the connection with the father or another ancestor by that name. Variant: Berky.